Lataff 2021 Program

Innocence / Inocencia

Cuba, 2018. 2 h 1 m
Sunday, October 17, 7:00 pm. VOD
Directed by Alejandro Gil

With English subtitles
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On november 27th, 1871 one of the most atrocious events happened in the Cuban territory, the regiment of voluntarys of the spanish army along with the Spaniard corrupt government that ruled the island, conspired to destroy the lives of 8 students of medicine. The resolution of the young students in maintaining their dignity over the injustice in which they were involved; the reaction of few fair spanish men to the inexplicable situation in which the events was developed and the never told roll of Fermín Valdés in the discovery of the truth will change the insight of this story. Based on true events, this film was a debt to the cuban history that was settled.

After this content becomes available October 18th at 1:00 am GMT-4, you’ll have 7 days to start watching. Once you begin, you’ll have 48 hours to finish watching the film. The October 18th at 1:00 am GMT-4 livestream can be viewed anytime until October 25th at 3:00 am.

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