Argentina, 2023
Directed by Yael Szmulewicz
Spanish with English subtitles, 79 min
Sunday October 27, 2024, 4 pm
Innis Town Hall: Innis College, 2 Sussex Ave, Toronto

Patricio Crom is a collector of vintage guitars. When he comes across an old star-shaped guitar, like the one Gardel used, he sets out to restore its original sound. To achieve this, he brings together guitarists and specialists in acoustic recording systems and luthiery, who help him try to recapture the sound of the past.
Patricio Crom es un coleccionista de guitarras antiguas. Al encontrarse con una vieja guitarra boca de estrella -como la que usaba Gardel-, se propone recuperar su sonido original. Para ello convoca a guitarristas y especialistas en sistemas de grabación acústica y luthería, que lo ayudan a tratar de encontrar el sonido de antes.