These digital stories were made by a group of Latinx Transgender women in a workshop facilitated by StoryCentre Canada and the Centre for Spanish Speaking Peoples’ Trans Latina Ontario group (TLO). They tell the vulnerable and often under-heard stories of these migrant transwomen from all over Latin America. This project was supported through Toronto Arts Council Strategic Funding.
The program:
- Unbroken, by Celeste Bilbao-Joseph (Argentina)
- He Found Himself Within Her, by Adalyn Díaz (Mexico)
- It’s Been a Long, Long Way, by Alex Freeland (Argentina)
- Arrival of Miss Latismiere, by Gigi Latismiere (Mexico)
- Thank You Canada, by Maria Clara De Sena (Brazil)
- Why I’m Here, by Paulina (Mexico)
- Confident Woman, by Tanya (Ecuador)
- Ubuntu, I Am Because We Are, by Xica DaDiva (Honduras)
Screening: Friday, Oct. 19, 8.30 pm
Where: George Ignatieff Theatre